How to Compare Prices
Before placing your price match request:
⦁ The price you found advertised elsewhere must match exactly to the options we offer for a fair comparison (for example paper stock, color options, turn around, etc.).
⦁ The product quantity matches.
⦁ The advertised price is for four-color process printing (not one-color, two-color, or black and white).

How to Contact Us:
To request a price match, please email: or call (503) 777-5403 and have the following details handy:
⦁ Your name
⦁ Your phone number
⦁ Your email address
⦁ Proof of advertised competitor’s price by doing a screen shot and providing Web Site address (URL) clearly showing a lower price for the exact same product.
6770 NE Century Blvd Hillsboro OR 97124